Nitoseal SC140 FC920150-600ML

Nitoseal SC140
Typical Applications
- Trafficable floor joints
- Assembly of metal framed buildings
- Cover plates and covings
- Bolted lap joints
- Prisons, gaols, grand stands
- Very fast curing - where quick return to service time is required
- Suitable for use as a sealant or adhesive
- Ideal for wide floor joints
- Pick resistant - suitable for high security establishment and public buildings
- Tough and abrasion resistant
- Weather resistant
- Good adhesion to most construction materials
- Will not stain porous construction materials such as concrete, marble or granite
- Cure Time : Approx 5mm 1st day at 25°C, 65% RH then 2 mm / day thereafter
- Hardness Shore 'A' : 50 +5
- Joint Movement Capability : +/- 25% (total 50%)
- Joint Size : 5mm to 50mm
- Modulus @ 100% : 10 MPa
- Tooling Time : 10 minutes minimum @ 25°C, 65%RH